Second call

Dear colleagues,

 We would like to remind you all that the call for abstracts for the “13th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology – Tritium 2022” that will take place in Bucharest, between 15th to 20th of May 2022 is opened till 15th November 2021 and all the details can be found at the conference web page:

We are pleased to inform you that the accepted papers will be published in a special issue of the Fusion Science and Technology journal and the cost of publication will be sustained from sponsorships.

Please read the following guidelines carefully before preparing your abstract, and ensure all contact information is accurate while completing the registration process.

International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology – Tritium 2022 is an opportunity to have valuable interactions among scientists and engineers, to exchange the knowledges achieved on all scientific and engineering researches in tritium science and technology, and to initiate future borderless collaborations.

Therefore, in Bucharest, between 15th to 20th of May 2022, the Local Organizing Committee aim to create the best framework for the information exchange about the latest researches in the field of tritium for fusion, fission, and other isotopic applications.

We are looking forward to see you in Bucharest.

Yours sincerely,

Sebastian Brad

On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee of the 13th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology – Tritium 2022